Thursday, February 22, 2007

A few more

I think Savannah has had the nicest weather it's ever seen for winter/spring season. Great for people who wanna take a stroll outside, but bad for someone who wants to take pictures of even lighting on buildings.

A lot of my buildings are modeled but I have to re-take and in some cases re-re-take some of the pictures for my textures.

Another problem I've encountered is the ability to manipulate UV's isn't present, so complex "single" faced polys can be a hastle to texture.

Here's an example:
The top face of the Library's flair, as many bends as it may have, is still considered one poly in Sketch-Up. The obvious solution is to sacrifice smaller file sizes and add a few cuts to the poly to make texturing a bit more manageable.

Ex Libris:

SCAD Cinema Post:

Burgen Hall:

Kiah Hall:

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